Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Congressman laughed at after lying about health bill

Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kansas) is a movement conservative, a dominionist who uses religion as an excuse for his economic policies that harm the poor.

Tiahrt seized his congressional seat in the 1994 "election", which was rigged. He's running for Senate next year. His record on environmental issues is so bad that an environmental group gave him a score of -4 (yes, that's a minus sign) on a 100-point scale.

Recently, at a town hall meeting, Tiahrt lied so blatantly that his constituents in the room burst into laughter.

Tiahrt claimed - falsely - that the health care bill would set a salary cap for doctors that would have all physicians earning the same salary. That lie had already been debunked.

But that's Todd Tiahrt's story and he's stickin' to it!

After he fibbed in front of the entire room full of people, everyone broke out in guffaws, because they knew he was lying:

I think more laughs at Tiahrt's expense are going to result from the outcome of the Senate election.

(Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2009/08/twenty-six-lies-about-hr-3200)

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