Saturday, August 8, 2009

Gatorgum is thirst gum... (Bubble Gum Weekend)

It was 1981. Much gum was chewn.

Since this is a weekend, you don't want to read about politics. You want to read about gum. You can't get enough of the damn stuff. I bet your facecheeks are bulging right now from cramming 10 sticks of gum in your mouth! The zesty goo is probably loosening your dentures as I write this.

You'd think the Great Royal Tim would be eminently familiar with any brand of gum marketed in this fine land in 1981. Alas, it is not to be!

That's because of Gatorgum.

Gatorgum was a chewing gum made by the people who brang you Gatorade. But I don't ever remember seeing Gatorgum in stores or being advertised.

Although I don't remember this ad, Gatorgum was responsible for a bizarre TV commercial that aired in 1981.

Gatorgum was long ago discontinued, so I can embed the commersh here:

As the lightning bolt knocks a person off a camel, a stick of Gatorgum menaces the viewing public.

A little-known story about Gatorade: It was named after the University of Florida Gators, as the beverage was invented for the football team to quench their thirst in the hot Florida sun. But when one of the players first tasted it, he exclaimed, "This stuff tastes like piss!"

We now return you to our regularly scheduled blog, already in progress...

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