Saturday, August 29, 2009

Wright brothers, revisited (Bubble Gum Weekend)

The invention of the airplane was just so fucking awesome.

But that's suitable, because so was the invention of bubble gum.

A while back, I used this feature to link to a memorable late '70s commercial for Care-Free gum that featured actors portraying the Wright brothers. Some guy bubbled in the ad.

But someone's feewings got hurt by it, so YouPube took it down. Which resulted in someone reposting it, of course. Which, in turn, has led to me regaling you with it again:

What about that commersh can possibly cause feewinghurt? All I can think of was that a person who saw it didn't know how to blow bubbles, so they were offended by seeing that ad.

I could just picture some 50-year-old clod sitting at their computer, firing off hate mail to YouTube, complaining about how they never figured out how to bubble - so YouTube has to pull that Care-Free ad, or else!

I can't drink milk without getting diarrhea, so does that give me the right to force YouTube to yank all the milk ads?

That's like if some kid breaks their arm and tries having school recess banned all because they can't participate.

Granted, gum seems to evoke more fervent sentiment than these other items. Even so, that's no excuse for pulling the clip.

Also, the Wright brothers invented the airplane - not "discovered" it, genius.

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