Tuesday, August 18, 2009

GOP signs people up for unsolicited White House e-mails

This is the story that Darrell Issa is screaming his head off about.

A couple days ago, there were some rumblings about folks receiving spam e-mail from the White House.

The White House initially said there was nobody receiving unsolicited e-mail. But now White House online director Macon Phillips says in a blog post that "outside groups" had signed people up to receive these e-mails.

In other words, Republican operatives randomly plucked e-mail addresses and signed them up for White House e-mails, just so Obama could be blamed for it.

I guess the Republicans realized when Jim Talent lost that it didn't pay to spam people with Republican e-mail. So now they're signing everyone up for Obama's e-mail list so the Democrats can be blamed.

Is there any sleazy tactic the GOP won't resort to?

(Source: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2009/08/17/national/w122132D06.DTL&tsp=1)

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